Tuesday, October 29, 2019
In December 2007, the EU amended its procurement remedies frameswork Essay
In December 2007, the EU amended its procurement remedies frameswork with a view to improving the effecctiveness of the review p - Essay Example Before the 2007 remedy amendments, there existed two directives that concerned the public procurement; 89/665/EEC meant for the sector of public as well as the 92/13/EEC meant for the sector of utilities. These policy directives applied to the only procurements that were under public and the partial contracts on ‘non-priority services’. Public remedies as should be are meant to avail to tenderers means to redress, build the confidence of the general public as well as the corporate world of the fairness that is entailed within the public procurement systems as well as provide frameworks that would protect the public procurement from corrupt activities through breaching of rules. Among other challenges that were noted before the amendment and which necessitated the amendments was the illegal awarding of public contracts for procurement through improper procedures of tendering as well as the problem of corruption as noted by the EIPASCOPE commission 20061. It was noted that though the member countries had successfully adopted and implemented the 2004 public contract awarding regulations, infringement through malpractices were persistent and thus needed redress. Such bodies as the EIPASCOPE were very instrumental in the fight for and demand of the amendments through having clear amendment proposals for the purpose of effecting competency and effectiveness within the public domain in matters of public procurement and the awarding of contracts. Effective public procurement system in EU was required to ascertain that public contracts were advertised and through competitive bidding be awarded to the rightful winner of the bid. However, this has been a major challenge that necessitated the 2007 amendments to the procurement directives. The courts however had the sole privilege to interpret and allow the exceptional cases that would be allowed to have the awarding of contracts done otherwise, other than through this stipulated competitive way. These exceptio nal circumstances included the instances when there was extreme urgency to award the contract and in the event that only one bidder meets the requirements as required. However, despite the legal frameworks developed in order to ensure the effective of the public procurement laws, there existed a main challenge in the implementation as the breach happened in secrecy; the illegal awarding of the contracts were often negotiated behind the scenes and awarded. Another major concern that necessitated the amendment was the lack of enough time within the countries member states for correction of the contracts awarded erroneously; the main problem noted as the ‘race to signature’. The remedies to such an infringements or breach of the directives required amendment of the directive to create time after the signing of contracts through which the malpractices would be corrected. The commission therefore recommended a minimum standstill period that should be mandatory and imposed be tween the conclusion of the dialogues and the official signing of the contracts to create time for these evaluations and the necessary adjustments. The commission recommended that at least the standstill period be prolonged to at least ten calendar days with the member states having the provision to decide on their stand still periods. EU principal rules that govern the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Othello: Character Analysis of Iago
Othello: Character Analysis of Iago In order to understand the personal motivations of Iago we need to consider not only the personal actions of the character but also the society in which he lived. Many examples of Iagos malignity can be found throughout the play demonstrating the malevolent streak that permeates the actÄÂ ±ons and feelings of Iago. It was Samuel Taylor ColerÄÂ ±dge who came up with the term, The motive-hunting of motiveless Malignity, to describe the character of Iago. Coleridge referred specifically to the end of Act 1, Scene 3 in which Iago takes leave of Roderigo: Iago weaves a web of deception that ensnares the Othello, Cassio and Roderigo. He succeeds in destroying a marriage and two noble characters as well as his wife, (Emilia), and Roderigo. Iagos true delight in his own cunning can be witnessed in his Act 2 Scene 1 soliloquy. Here he revels in the power he wields, that which can turn Desdemonas virtue into pitch. Also ammoral is Iagos mercenary use of Roderigo to line his coat. He readily accepts money for a service that is impossible to achieve Desdemona has no feelings for Roderigo, and Iago knows this. At the heart of Iagos duplicity is his ability to play a number of roles convincingly; to adapt his tone and style to suit any occasion. With Cassio , he is bluff, coarse and genial. He offers plausible, practical solutions for his problems. With Roderigo and Emilia, he is self-serving, materialistic and cynical. This can be seen in Act 1 Scene 1 where he makes it clear to Roderigo that his pride was hurt when Cassio was promoted before him. he becomes furious. This anger was not founded because there is no evidence of any kind that Othello takes any interest sexually in Iagos wife Emilia. Cassio, by contrast, whom Iago also suspects of intimate dealings with his wife, has at least done more to raise that fear when he kisses Emilia on the lips in front of Iago in 2.1.99-100. These feelings are made clear in lines 270 280 of Act 2 Scene 1 He states that his soul will not be sated: With no remedy for his condition, with a job that is beneath him, with a superior that he knows and will eventually demonstrate has vices incompatible with military leadership, with a system that has shown that its values are inverted, what can he do? Strike back at the system and people who have failed him. Iago then tries to create civic anarchy in Venice. First, he suggests to Roderigo that he wake Brabantio, Desdemonas father, in the middle of the night to announce her elopement with Othello. While Brabantio is rousing his family to action, Iago slips away for his second provocative act. He meets up with Othello and tries to goad him on to violence. The phrase, Motiveless Malignity is not an accurate portrayal of Iago. There are many examples throughout the play which show clearly Iagos villainy. Iago manages to turn all his friends, who trust him most, against each other. These actions eventually lead to the murder of Roderigo. While the act of murder cannot be condoned, this shows the utter desparation of Iago as a man whom was pushed to the edge by a society which failed to show him sufficient respect. Iago himself offers several possible motives for his actions to the audience throughout the play in his different soliloquies. Evil and hopeless Iago clearly is, but this needs to be set also against a class-based society which trapped Iago in second class citizenship, a status which he did not deserve. The absolute loyalty and dedication Iago showed towards his masters was never rewarded and it is this which led him to engage in malevolent acts against everybody including his loved ones.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Egypt Essay :: essays research papers
Throughout the ages religion has been an important part of man’s life. Even today many peoples lives are influenced by the teachings of their religious backgrounds. In ancient Egypt however, religion was the single most important influence on the civilization. It touched virtually every aspect of Egyptian life.      One of the most obvious examples of this is in Egyptian burial. Burial and the preservation of the body was a very important aspect of the culture. It was due to the fact that they believed that the better your body was preserved the happier you were in the afterlife. Even the embalmers had to shave all their body hairs so they would not contaminate the dead person. The person had their major organs removed and preserved in canopic jars, which were watched by the designated gods. Also, the casket the person was buried in always had a likeness of the person on the front. This was for the Ka to recognize when it came back to the body at night. Also, the person was buried with perfume jars and food to take with them to the afterlife. Obviously death, burial and the afterlife, was a major part of Egyptian life that was touched a great deal by religion.      Another major aspect of Egyptian life that was heavily influenced by religion was art. Almost all paintings and other forms of art were either done for the gods or representing the gods or pharaohs. Artists were even considered some of the highest members of society because they did work for the deities. An interesting fact about Egyptian art was the awkward position the bodies were in. All people depicted in the artwork were standing sideways with every body part visible. No one knows for certain why the people were depicted that way, but it is common belief that it was necessary to show all body parts so the gods wouldn’t get angry for being misrepresented. Another interesting observation about Egyptian art is that it stayed, virtually, the same from the Old Kingdom into the New Kingdom. This was because they thought what they did was perfect and to change it would change their perfect life and afterlife. This proves that Egyptian art is another aspect of the culture that was greatly influenced by religion.      Finally the last and most important aspect of the culture that was affected by religion, was everyday life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Project Proposal Essay
Background and Motivation What is the setting and history behind this project? Customer Relationship Management concerns the relationship between the organization and its customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any organization be it a global corporation with thousands of employees and a multi-billion turnover, or a sole trader with a handful of regular customers. Customer Relationship Management is the same in principle for these two examples – it is the scope of CRM which can vary drastically. CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a way for businesses to find potential customers. While the first iterations of CRM were used in the 1980s, it wasn’t until the 2000s that it really began to shine. CRM software helps businesses identify and categorize existing customers. This allows them to see the specific demographics their products appeal to, in turn allowing them to market their products more effectively. What is the problem to be addressed? Many organizations are considering introducing CRM systems or are in the process of doing so. The main concern of these organizations is their ability to make the necessary changes at the level of organizational strategy that the introduction of the CRM system requires. Organizations are also concerned about damaging their existing customer care system. Their fears are based on past failures in their own or in other organizations. What are some current approaches to this problem? 1. The users don’t use the CRM system My personal view is that most people do not come to work to fight the system. If users are rejecting the CRM system then we need to try to understand the reasons. In most cases this can be traced to a lack of management support for CRM. If users feel that their conscientious updating of the CRM system is not used then they will stop using it. Examples of managers refusing to use the CRM system, requesting reports in Word or Excel format, and enjoying a successful CRM implementation are nonexistent. The simple fact is that leaders need to lead – that means that everyone from the very top down must use the CRM system. 2. The users want to use the CRM system, but the technology is failing them Another point of belief; CRM software developers do not set out to ship bad software. So even if you have selected a software platform that we don’t sell, it is unlikely that the CRM issue will be bugged software. The most common reasons for technology failing are tied to speed or ease of access. If your users cannot access the CRM system whenever or wherever they want then they will drift away. 3. The original driving force for the CRM project has moved on It is often said that a new broom sweeps cleanest. All too often changes in management herald changes in the CRM system. Users who were previously happily using the CRM system, struggle to adopt changes. Users who were struggling with the system, legitimize their behavior with reference to changes that may, or may not be coming. 4. The CRM system does not deliver all of the functions required This might be the result of changes in the business, or changes in the management or reporting requirements. Typically this is first visible as a potential Business Intelligence (BI) requirement. The need is to integrate all of the systems that surround the CRM system. From quote creation, to web store integration, systems proliferate to surround the CRM system. Requirements, not anticipated in the initial CRM project create additional customer data silos. Left unchecked these will ultimately undermine the â€Å"single view of the customer†CRM seeks to deliver. Why is this problem worth solving or worth solving better? Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processesâ€â€principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1] The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, service and retain those the company already has, entice former clients to return, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.[2] Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.[3] Measuring and valuing customer relationships is critical to implementing this strategy. Benefits of the Project/Product * One of the major benefits of having a CRM is that it improves the quality of service. The CRM collects all information of the clients then analyzes the data and help you in decision- making. With the help of Customer Relationship Management, you will assured that your system is running safe and secure. Another benefit of having a CRM software is that it can help you save a lot of money. Of course, purchasing a software might be expensive but compared on hiring, training and paying employees, it will save you a lot. * Having a Customer Relationship Management software needs to have careful planning. Remember that in this system, the relationship between your company and your clients is at stake. You have to plan out everything. It is also important that you consider its usability. You have to determine the benefits it will bring to your company and its impact in your business as well as your employees. * Since all information provided by the customers were collected by the CRM, it is important to keep them secure. The company as well as the vendors should ensure the quality of the system that it is secure enough to protect confidential information. Scope and Limitations of the Project The scope limitation option on workflows in MSCRM is a great feature that unfortunately has half baked functionality. Particularly when dealing with large organizations with multiple Business Units, it’s compelling to try and limit scope to the Business Unit level. This works fine until you realize the limitations. Seeing as how workflows can only be owned by people, you MUST assign each workflow to a user in the business unit you’d like scope limited to. As soon as you attempt this, you’ll need to deactive the workflow, assign to the appropriate user, have that user log into the system, and re-activate the workflow. Needless to say, this is not a feasible maintenance scenario for organizations rolling out to dozen(s) of business units.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Accounting-People Oriented”
Is the hotel service of the highest frequency words in one, but how to understand the â€Å"people-oriented†, and fell at the service Implementation, but not so simple. Four Seasons Hotel prior to the opening trial of business is not facing society, but to face the staff, commissioning a month, the staff try to eat a month, identify problems, stop at any time, In order to ensure the quality of the opening one hundred percent. This Is a people – the guests when the hotel can not be â€Å"Guiana pigs.From this concept, the Four Seasons Hotel is no interns. Employees must be strengthened into the store a series of training to meet the requirements of posts, appointment is a formal work – services must be perfect for guests, not the internship process. A defect In the current hotel is the rooms, restaurants, PA, recreational and other first-line lack of understanding among the various departments, the hotel also provides that employees of various departments can not â€Å"string Kong,†and this will inevitably affect the overall service quality and team spirit.The last of a series of raining is to allow employees to do the day the guests, In addition to free room arrangements, and the other 600 distributed to staff, the staff wear casual consumption in the hotel, dining, fitness, the bar can be, requiring employees to stand in the guest point of the hotel experience, understanding customers. Proceeding to create a high degree of satisfaction with the service, and also from the beginning so that employees of various departments of the hotel have a comprehensive understanding facilitate future communication and coordination among departments.Four Seasons Hotel â€Å"people-oriented†high level of protection is n important embodiment of the guests right to privacy and equal respect for each guest. This Is, in our country, both conceptual Issues, but also the difficulty of the operation, while the Four seasons Hotel In respect of hum an rights Is the undying honor. – To the room, into the elevator key card to be plugged in, it stopped back in the appropriate floor. The hotel public areas without permission will be allowed to take pictures, because many people In public places, even seemingly private photos, but the background may still be related to other people, which have generated the aground of the possible infringement, which is strictly prohibited . If you really need camera can tell you specifically for the hotel arrangements. Each house guests are all equal, even if there is an important guests arrived, the hotel main entrance Is still to be set aside for dally guest channel and out of lanes and not allow sealed. If there is a conflict, the Four Seasons Hotel would rather not take the PIP guests have to absolutely guarantee the normal conditions of service. – Do not allow media access to the lobby guests take photos, such as: David Buckram's â€Å"Posh†wife to Shanghai, the toll cor doned off at the door, the media must not go beyond.The more so, is the absolute guarantee that the store's environmental quality, the guests privacy and freedom of movement. Media sometimes complained, but the principle unswervingly adhere to the Four Seasons Hotel. Personalized Four Seasons service quality is the bigger and more extreme, the cost of large, difficult to have the hotel can afford. SYNC TV united States President to Shanghai, the hotel Immediately contact professional organizations in Shanghai, the purchase of decoders, dedicated to the 1 OFFSYNC line II rooms Witt Conic's channels Ana a Selene well-producer special programs; to the president of Pepsi-cola, the room All put on PepsiCo products; Philips president stayed, the rooms are full of Philips lighting replaced; Toast's chairman, the head of the bed put a label marked with the model of Toyota cars; Samsung Electronics Company President of stay, hotel suites spared no expense to the other brands of high plasma T V removed and replaced by the latest models Samsung products.These benefits not only the boss, that is, a child, but also an equal footing. To store that also brought along a couple of old child, a child of the hotel immediately coupled with bathrobes, slippers and children, balloons and other small toys, extra bed is also consistent with the child's height. It can be said, as long as visitor information, the Four Seasons Hotel are fully in place beforehand.Never use the hotel services, car floor, because the car, then most of the time during the day there are services out of the way the surface floor, guests have to sidle over, rude, tasteless, garbage bags on board the service, not elegant, another odor. At the same mime, there is baggage car floor, but there will be impact phenomena. Each floor of the hotel which had a small linen, the maintenance of daily turnover.Rooms at the Four Seasons hotel, only one printed on both sides â€Å"do not disturb†the morning of the plat e, but not â€Å"come forward to clean†message. Shop CLC said that if there â€Å"dashing clean†, which means that the hotel's commitment to the guests, it is not able to be kept. If the same floor a number of guests 10 rooms, while immediate cleaning is not feasible, and the guests is not to immediately clean up the worry level. Therefore, the hotel prompted guests, as long as the call to immediately clean up, immediately put in place, we must meet.The clean rooms and facilities engineering maintenance rooms must close the door, this is for hotel guests and staff security and privacy considerations. Close the door, the staff will hang outside the card – â€Å"We are cleaning your room. †Room table, covered with high-strength glass, in fact, everyone knows the problem, at home, in the office, all on the table, and the public use of the hotel room table, glass and India produce, and even cigarette butts, there ill be hot scorch , which gives the guests h ave the old sense of being damaged.Covered with glass, to resolve to the problem. Of course, under glass do not go into this kind of written material, a messy desktop, visual, taste is reduced. Of course, the name of such services, such as customers, it is essential. Floor attendant pocket has a piece of paper on which was written the name of this floor guests, guest name to see the greeting guests pay tribute to revered. The world has a different pronunciation of the language features, the hotel guests of different nationalities can best be understood.
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